welcome to the land of extreme YAPPING and NERD RAGE.(Exuse my poor spelling)

Invader Zim iz my new favroute cartoon!!!

So I finnaly started watching invader zim after ages and iz acctually SOOOOO cool!!
Like not only is the art style an unusual goth BLESSING to the eyes but the show is pesimisticly
and sarasticly hullarious in a great way!The two main charters have inherently annoying qualities
but are still really likable and fun to watch.ESPESSIALY zim and the tallest interactions
those are always rather funnytongue-out
,all the charcters have really fun and gothy designs too!like Gaz's whole look is
really pleasing to the edgy teenage eyes,and Tac OMGSH don't even get me STARTED her vibe
is so cool and intresting and I really with she got more screen time than the one episode she
got in the show,yes her ship was still there but its not the SAAAMMMMEEEEE UGHGJDGDKS!!!!!!
!I really wish the show wasn't canncelled beacuse I would have loved to see more of it and the story fully11!!!!I also love the fact that Zim could have easily taken over the earth but
hes too foucused on validation from the tallest or pettyness to do so and its so intresting and fun
to watch!!!Its honestly a great cartoon and really shouldn't have got such harsh treatment from nicklodian,but thats greed ig.

Proffessor membrane getting the father of the year award./JK XD

Why south park fractured but whole is my FAV game!(and more)-25th November 2024

Heyia guyz!Since I've been bone 4 a bit I wana catch up on some nerd stuff I wana talk about and put it into one chunk of text YAAAAY.SOOO first off,
South park fractured but whole,GREAT game!!I really love how you can make your own charcter and been the 'Farting vigulantitE' (LMAO) also no comment on
The difficulty level option lets just not taaalk about that.YEAAAHH but its just a really fun idea in general plus gaming AND comady?What could top
that!?ALSO,,,,THE NEW EDDISODE WAS GOOD?!So yes I did watch Pinheads and I have to say Its oficcaly my fav new eppisode of eddsworld!I really loved
The whole vibe of it,just three freinds going bowling with some wacky hyjinxs!Truely one of the best eddisoes made in the new year!I really adored all
the digs at Tom being BAD at bowling lol!My fav bit with Tom was when he had a WHOLE entire funeral for this radom man he accidently killed XD.I also
stand with the fact that the only reason the Eddisode exists was for the team to make that ONE joke.You know what im talkin about don't lie to me
it was in good taste though and admitadly well exicuted down to the episode announcement!!As a fan I really love how much clear effort went into this
Eddisode and I must say the build up to THE MOST RANDOM JOKE EVER was just brilliant to watch!And I also just want to shortly appolgise to the minecraft movie
the trailer changed my mind im just excited now and can't wait to seee the movie!See you guys later!!(hopefully).

(Gif by Edd Gould)
"as a child I yeared for the mines"-Movie trailer quote

WANNER BROS!??!!? REALLY GUYS?COMONNNN-26th september 2024

When I first heard about the minecraft movie,I was very excited!Then I clicked on the trailer blind...and well I VERY MUCH wish I had fords
membory erasion gun after watching that trailer.Now don't get me wrong,I LOVE jack black's acting but steve.Really? it just dos'nt fit well in his acting
style.Like,why does every big buget movie have to have a famous actor???Not to mention the clear disrespect to the lotgime fans.Big suits need to realise
that just beacuse something has no gore violence sex or is aimed for a younger DOES NOT mean you can get away with making the most basic slop,
with no passion for the game or empathy for the fans.Also I have a theory on why the trailer is the why it is and why the movies probbaly gunna be genaric
and predicable.It was a cash grab for warner bros or the company owners of minecraft.You can prove me wrong when the movie comes out but I don't
think thats gunna happen anytime soon but hey,I could be wrong maybe they could end up like the sonic movie or the mario movie(thats wishfull thinking).
Now lets talk about the Elaphant in the room...THE FUCKNG AMAZING TRAILER 4 THE DOGMAN MOVIE!!!Its just..perfect!!!The animation style is such a treat
and i've wanted a dogman movie for so long!I just think it's such a fun idea and concept fr a movie and I CANNOT wait to see little petie!!I bet hes so cute in movie
form :D!
[EDIT]; "I've had a severe and continuous lapse of my judement."

Why I LOVEEEEE Eddsworld!!!-19th september 2024

Im feeling very positive so 2 day imma talk about my love for the webseries eddsworld(This isnt that educational abt the series sryy).
One of my first peices of admoration has to be the arstyle.Although the toons artsyle is rather inconsitiant due to many changes over the years
I adore Its style from the 2009s-2012s!!!Im not sure why but the style in that era of the Eddsworld (Classic) Is most definatly my favrioute!!
One of my fav episodes of Eddsworld was created during that time aka MOVIEMAKERS!!!The reason this Eddisode is one of my all-time favrourites is beacuse of the
Crews wonderfull charcterization!!!I love The overall plot too "just three freinds making a movie and silly videos!!" its a simple but entertaining concept.
This era Is FULL of great episodes,many would take too long to name.However this does not mean I only like that era.Behond and legacy are two both AMAZING
and genunely heart fulled eras of Eddsworld concidering the meany challages Eddsworld has faced overtime the team and everyone involved has done an amzing job keeping
The show alive!!Heck one of my other fav eddisodes (Fun dead) was made outside of my fav era,and surf and turf wars was a greeaaat two parter toms replacement voice
actor did a good job captureing tom (the characters) vibe :]

What is newgrounds(If you dont know)-18th of september 2024

So,newgrounds this platfrom has been around for quite the long time and i have to say,it has earned my etearnal respect!!AS a profesionalll
youtube hater I see newgrounds as a great starter platform for meany!As I am also a big Eddsworld fan I found newgrounds thro ugh The imfomous
Eddsworld flash game bang,boom,splat!And im confident In saying that I never looked back :D!!

Is newgrounds more safe than youtube?

One thing I notticed when using newgrounds Is its inclusive and accurate rating system.Unlike lots of platfroms*COUGH COUGH SOCIAL MEIDA AS A WHOLE*
Newgrounds puts the exsictance of teenagers into account when creating a balance rating stystem acknowledging that age ratings
wont work by simply Putting a childlock on everything that isnt 18+ and I really appreciate this as a user.As well as the overall attatude towwards the comments
section.Beacuse unlike youtube The newgrounds comments are more normillized for being a place of critizm and jokes rather than mindless borbards of hate.
Although that still does coccur atleast its not in the form of bots.Speaking of bots my whole time using newground i haven't encountered one.Coincidence? I THINK NOT!??!?!!!
Its also a great form of free speach beacuse is not directed by a soulless,faceless corp,Its created by one guy and ran by some other guys!It was created as a hobby.
NOT a bussisess.Even though you can make money on newgrounds I feel the site is more about creativity and community than anything.
So yeah Thats a few of the reasons I love newgrounds!